SUBARU Genuine JDM Sambar Trap door Service hole cover truck engine hood TV1 TT1
SUBARU Genuine JDM Sambar Trap door Service hole cover truck engine hood TV1 TT1
Compatibility Information
■Model:【SAMBAR 】
■Type:【Sambar Dias, Sambar Bang, Sambar Dias Bang, Sambar Dias WG】
■Compatible model:【TT1、TT2、TV1、TV2、TW1、TW2 】
■Year:【2002/06-2012/02 】
*This product does not come with paint applied.
Please paint it to match your own vehicle after purchase.
Products and other information
■Genuine part number :【52510TC090 】
If you wish to purchase more than the number of items on display, please contact us.
Our products are 100% authentic and shipped from Japan.
Please enjoy your shopping experience with confidence.Contact me if you have any questions.
Compatibility Information
■Model:【SAMBAR 】
■Type:【Sambar Dias, Sambar Bang, Sambar Dias Bang, Sambar Dias WG】
■Compatible model:【TT1、TT2、TV1、TV2、TW1、TW2 】
■Year:【2002/06-2012/02 】
*This product does not come with paint applied.
Please paint it to match your own vehicle after purchase.
Products and other information
■Genuine part number :【52510TC090 】
If you wish to purchase more than the number of items on display, please contact us.
Our products are 100% authentic and shipped from Japan.
Please enjoy your shopping experience with confidence.Contact me if you have any questions.
$215.40 USD
$215.40 USD